"Expanding minds through creative sounds."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Music can SOOTHE and perhaps HEAL


Your Brain on Music... can music soothe, and perhaps heal?

I read an interesting article in The Miami Herald newspaper in the March 24, 2009 Ft. Lauderdale edition. The following are excerpts from the article written by Evelyn McDonnell, a special to The Miami Herald and I give her all the credit and quote her here.

"What makes music music? Do we know it when we hear it? What about people who don't hear music? Is one person's concerto another's cacaphony? Scientists, musicologists, music therapists and general readers are increasingly pondering questions like these, as the neurological study of music continues to grow and draw public interest."

"Scientists are literally listening in to the cortex listening to Beethoven. In the process, they're tackling the adages: Is music the universal language? And can it indeed be used to soothe if not the savage beast, then at least the disordered human?"

The article goes on to share the story of Tim Page who has a mild form of autism and how he found solace in music. "Page knows well the profound effects of music. As a child, music was about the only thing that made sense in a cognitively chaotic world." Page says, "It would take me into a trance, and all the worries of the world would disappear in music.... Music was almost like a translation of the world for me. I could understand things if I was listening to them musically."

"Autism is one of several conditions that can be treated with neurological music therapy." "Music gives them a vehicle to guide their attention. That ability to detect patterns can enhance learning of speech and language."

"Music therapists also use "gait training" to teach stroke patients how to walk. "The spinal cord itself responds directly to rhythm," says Shannon del'Etoile (director and associate professor of the music therapy program at the University of Miami.)

Scientists continue to conduct studies to determine how music affects the brain. "Lately, the Cleveland Clinc has played a compilation of various calssical music-Beethoven's Fifth, Mozart's last piano concerto- while they eavesdrop on neurons." (via microphones the size of a hair and record the sounds of neurons firing.) "We are looking at the effects of different types of music on different parts of the brain," says Dr. Ali Rezai, director of the Center of Neurological Restoration at the Cleveland Clinic.

I encourage you to read the entire article by Evelyn McDonnell found in the archives of The Miami Herald, as this was only a few excerpts. It is all very interesting "music for thought" as to the hidden potential and power of music.

Thanks for reading, Diane

Saturday, March 14, 2009

We SAVED Lives

Music Tech Studios Blood Donation Day

Every time you donate a pint of blood you save at least THREE lives, sometimes even four!!! The blood banks need our donations to save the lives of preemies and people of all ages. It takes less than 10 minutes to donate and a few minutes to answer questions.

Now I am a wimp when it comes to giving blood.... it had been over 10 years since I last gave blood because I almost passed out the last time. Well, my husband convinced me it was time to step up, suck it up, and give blood again... and it was a 'piece of cake'... well at least a free juice and cookies. I'm also proud of my son Christopher, who gave blood for the first time at 33yr. old... I think he takes after me. And he said it was "no prob" and was glad he finally gave. Now my husband Dean, on the other hand, is a regular blood donor as well as apheresis he is my hero. And he is the one that organized the Music Tech Studios Blood donation day outside our store with the Community Blood Centers of South Florida. By the time I arrived with camera in hand to document the day, Dean had already gone home... but trust me, he was the FIRST to give at 9:00am with a smile on his face.

So here are some of the shots from the day. We showed our 'badge' of courage. Enjoy, Diane

Chris ... showing his "badge of courage".

The wonderful staff of the Blood Center mobile.

It was a gorgeous day to "Save a Life".

Charles, one of our guitar teachers, getting ready to donate.

Our store off in the distance... Music Tech Studios.

Victor, our staff ... still smiling after his donation.

Chris, looking so GQ with his badge of courage.

Diane, having a laugh in my ninja pose.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Save a LIFE... Give Blood!

Students during their "rock star" photo shoot at Rock Camp at Music Tech.

Music Tech Studios will be hosting a Blood Drive by Community Blood Centers of South Florida, Inc. on MARCH 14, 2009 from 9:00am- 2:00pm. There will be special giveaways to all donors. Music Tech Studios is offering 10% of any item in the store with a Blood donation!

You can also call Music Tech and reserve your time to donate by calling the store at 954-447-8554.

Top 10 Excuses for Not Giving Blood

  1. I'm afraid of needles.
  2. Others are donating enough.
  3. My blood type is not in demand.
  4. I'm afraid of catching a disease.
  5. They wouldn't want my blood because of the illnesses I've had.
  6. I don't have any blood to spare.
  7. My blood isn't rich enough.
  8. I'm afraid of being turned down.
  9. They'll take too much blood and I'll feel weak.
  10. I'm too busy.

Did You Know???

  • Someone needs blood every three seconds.
  • Your one donation can save up to three lives!
  • One out of ten hospital patients needs blood.
    No viable substitute for blood has ever been found.
  • Blood centers often run short of type O blood.
  • If all blood donors gave two to four times a year, it would help prevent shortages.
  • Although 37% of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood, only 10% do.
  • Three gallons of blood are used every minute in the U.S.
  • People donate blood out of a sense of duty and community spirit; not to make money. They are not paid for their donation.
  • Red blood cells have a shelf life of 42 days.

Whole blood donations are the most common way of saving lives.

Each whole blood unit can generate up to four components: red cells, platelets, plasma and white cells. All whole donors must meet all regular donor criteria. The donation procedure is quite simple, and generally only takes 30 to 45 minutes. You may donate whole blood every 56 days. Bloodmobiles travel throughout the south Florida region to schools, businesses, religious organizations, and civic groups. You may also donate at one of our 15 convenient donor centers.

SAVE A LIFE >>> and donate blood on March 14, 2009 at Music Tech Studios.
18249 Pines Blvd.
Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33029